How to Overcome a High Bounce Rate?

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How to Overcome a High Bounce Rate?

Bounce Rate is the percentage of visits to the blog page where visitors who enter immediately leave the page (close the page) and then switch to another page. It is said that because visitors do not like the existing content.

In simple terms, the bounce rate can be interpreted as visitor dissatisfaction about the content and appearance of the blog that we have because it is not useful and boring. With the dissatisfaction of visitors, it can increase the blog's high bounce rate, because visitors immediately close the blog without reading its contents first.

Bounce rate blogs can be said to be the best that has a smaller percentage, many say that it ranges from 20% to 30%. The calculation is quite simple. For example, in one month your blog has 50,000 visits, while visitors who read just one page are 2,000. thus the bounce rate of your blog is 4%. The following is the bounce rate calculation formula.

Bounce Rate = (Number of visitors who only opened one page/Total number of visitors) X 100%
In order for your blog's performance to be better, you must set a blog bounce rate benchmark of 20% as the maximum value. To be able to find out how big the value of your blog's bounce rate is, use the facilities provided by Google, namely Google Analytics.

How to Overcome a High Bounce Rate

The high and low bounce rate of a blog can be overcome by making changes in several parts, including:

1. Increase Blog Loading Speed

Blogs that have a better blog loading speed can prevent readers from canceling visits to the page to be opened. So the faster the blog loads, the better.

2. Using Responsive Templates

To support the first method, namely the speed of loading your blog, you have to change your blog template that is not yet responsive (mobile friendly) to one that is responsive.

3. Blog Design Layout Should Be Easier

To get the best bounce rate, your blog must have a good design layout and make it easy for visitors. So that a blog that has a complex layout and is difficult to trace will make readers lazy to explore the content on the blog and choose to leave it immediately.

4. Write useful and interesting content for readers

Unattractive blog content will also make readers not feel at home visiting it for long. Readers certainly do not want to waste time in vain because they do not find interesting and useful information for themselves. Therefore, you should regularly create content on your blog regularly and maintain its quality so that it is always good and useful.

Make internal links in the content you create, point to other article pages that are still related to the topic being discussed, this will make visitors want to dig up more information they want. With good internal links, you can increase the quality of your Onpage SEO Blog.

The more external linking or outgoing links that point to other blogs installed on your blog page, the more likely the number of readers who leave the blog to go to another blog page according to the link installed will be greater, so the bounce rate will be high. External linking is often found in blogrolls, images, and advertisements that appear on blog pages. In addition, multiplying external links will have an impact on the SEO value of your blog. So it's only natural to provide an outgoing link.

Therefore, as your reference, a value of 20% to 30% can be called a good percentage for a website/blog. But that does not apply to other blogs, for example if there is a blog that only has one page. How is the bounce rate? the probability is higher at 30%.

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